Continuing Education

The New York State Education Department (NYSED), on the Office of the Professions website, states: “Effective September 1, 2009, to renew your registration as a physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, New York State Education Law requires completion of 36 contact hours of approved continuing education (CE) in each three-year renewal period.” The importance however of taking CE courses is not only limited to one’s licensure renewal. Physical therapy, as with any body of knowledge, changes with time. Advances in medical science and technological breakthroughs affect the manner in which rehabilitation and patient care could be administered. Physical therapists must have this innate desire to be up-to-date with current best practices, cognizant of various viewpoints in patient care, and aware of possible changes in evaluation and treatment strategies. Moreover, it definitely is not detrimental to refresh one’s knowledge of therapy practices particular to his/her niche by attending CE courses. We owe it to our patients and their families to be the best therapists we can be.